Computer Lab 5: Implementing DeepSORT Tracking on Paramecium Swimming

Welcome to the practical session of Module 5, created by lecturer Daniel Fürth, and has been further modified by Dr. Wei Ouyang, along with teaching assistants Songtao Cheng and Nils Mechtel. In this lab, you’ll learn some useful skills from the following Google Colab notebooks.

Notebook: DeepSORT Tracking on Paramecium Swimming.

Access will only be granted after the computer lab session begins.

After opening the notebooks in Google Colab, save a personal copy to your Google Drive: File > Save a copy in Drive. You’ll run and complete your tasks in this copy.


In this lab, you will:

  • Implement DeepSORT tracking on a video of paramecium swimming using Python and Jupyter Notebook.
  • Identify and fix intentional bugs in the provided notebook to ensure successful execution of the tracking task.
  • Review the output video and make the tracking results better.
  • Enhance your problem-solving skills and gain practical experience in deploying real-world computational tasks.

Important Notes

  • Set Runtime to GPU or CPU: You can choose your runtime is set to GPU or CPU: Runtime > Change runtime type > Hardware accelerator.

  • Hands-On Learning: This lab emphasizes active participation. You’ll need to carefully study and complete the code snippets provided in the notebooks. Full solutions are not provided, so this is your chance to deepen your understanding.

  • Time Management: It’s OK to upload your work without finishing all tasks during the computer lab. Focus on learning from the exercises you complete, as the primary goal is to understand the key concepts as you work through the notebooks.

Submission Instructions

After completing the notebooks exercises:

1. Export your notebooks from Google Colab:

   - File > Download > Download .ipynb

2. Submit the downloaded files using the provided submission form.

Submission Deadline

You should submit your work by the end of the computer lab session. If you cannot finish it, you can submit it within 24 hours after the lab session ends. So the deadline is Thursday, 26.09.2024, at 17:00 CEST.

If you cannot attend the lab session, you will need to get an approval and also submit your work within 24 hours after the lab session ends.
