Assignment 1: Mapping Data-Driven Life Science Research


This week, your task is to explore the realm of data-driven life science research. Specifically, you will identify and analyze a peer-reviewed paper in this field and an open-access database containing data that could be used in future research projects. You will submit a PDF summary of your findings and also present them briefly to the class.


  • Gain an understanding of current research and open-access databases in the data-driven life sciences.
  • Develop skills in critical analysis and presentation of scientific research.


  1. Identify a Peer-Reviewed Paper: Select a paper that falls under the scope of data-driven life sciences. You may refer to the module material for more details on what constitutes data-driven life sciences.

  2. Identify an Open-Access Database: Find a database that openly shares data which can be reused in future research.

  3. PDF Summary: Create a PDF that contains the following bullet-pointed information:

    • Personal Information: Your name and email address.

    • For the Paper:

      • References
      • Aim of the paper
      • Data used (collected or recycled)
      • Analysis method(s) employed
      • Accessibility of data and code (if openly shared or how to access)
    • For the Database:

      • URL
      • Brief description of data gathered
      • Intended use of the database
      • Assessment of adherence to FAIR principles (You can also consult this link for more on FAIR principles.)
  4. Presentation: Prepare a concise presentation (maximum 4 minutes, no need to prepare slides, I will show your report during the presentation, so you can also include slides in the report if you want) to summarize your findings for the class.

  5. Submission:

  1. Deadline: Submit your PDF before the journal club session.

If you cannot attend the journal club session, please let the instructor know in advance. And you still need to submit your PDF before the session even if you cannot attend.


The assignment will be evaluated and the grades will contribute to your final course assessment.

Presentation Guidelines

  • Time: Maximum of 4 minutes.
  • Content: Summarize the key points from your PDF.
  • Aim: Engage the class and foster a discussion on the current state of data-driven life sciences.


Feel free to use ChatGPT to get advice on where to find the paper and database, you can also use ChatGPT to help you understand the paper and database, write the pdf summary, and prepare the presentation! In the prompt, please provide the context and enough information for the AI to understand what you are looking for.

If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding this assignment, please reach out to the instructional team for assistance.
