This week, we will join the workshop on Computational Methods in Evolution and Biodiversity(September 21, 09:00 – 17:00).
Important Note: You must register the workshop using the link here
Lecture (Thursday morning)
The lectures are divided into two parts: the workshop lectures on Thursday 9am (the whole morning).
All the lectures are highly recommended, especially the keynote speakers. The second part is useful too, since it will introduce the computer lab in the afternoon.
For the seminar on Friday, please try to attend the lecture at 11:25, titled as “Neural Networks for biodiversity research: challenges and opportunities by Tobias Andermann”
Feel free to attend all or part of the workshop lectures in the morning:
- 09:00 Welcome and introduction
- 09:10 Challenges in Fine-Grained Image Analysis. Keynote speaker: Serge Belongie, Pioneer Center for AI, Denmark
- 09:50 Computational methods give insight into paradigms and paradoxes in landscape genomics. Keynote speaker: Katie E. Lotterhos Northeastern University, USA
- 10:30 Coffee
- Introduction to Workshop x 3
- 11:00 Looking at population structure from a machine learning perspective, Marcin Kierczak
- 11:25 Neural Networks for biodiversity research: challenges and opportunities, Tobias Andermann (Useful for the seminar on Friday)
- 11:50 Inference of ancestral recombination graphs for population genomics, Per Unneberg
All these lectures are recommended, but not mandatory.
Computer lab (Thursday afternoon)
The computer lab will be on September 21st, starting from 13:30, the place is Vivi Täckholmsalen (Q-salen), NPQ-huset, Stockholm University.
There are 3 parallel workshops (Room P232, P224, P216) in the afternoon, so please choose one as you like:
- From PCA to Generative Deep Learning Models for better understanding population structure, Marcin Kierczak
- Building your own customized neural network model (bring your own data if you want), Tobias Andermann
- Introduction to whole genome tree sequence inference with tsinfer, Per Unneberg
Special notes to pass the course, you will have to submit the notebooks here to be graded for the lab.
Seminar (Friday)
On Friday, we will have a seminar in the morning at 10, see seminar.